Fastgen is a versatile low-code API and workflow builder, seamlessly integrated with a Postgre database. This platform allows users to rapidly create custom business logic and backends with remarkable ease, offering a variety of features that make development a breeze.

Landing page of Fastgen


🔄 Drag-and-Drop Interface: Fastgen simplifies API and workflow development with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.

🧩 Pre-Built Components: Access a library of pre-built components for quick integration of features like authentication and databases.

🚀 Deployment and Hosting: Host your APIs and workflows on Fastgen's cloud infrastructure for hassle-free deployment.

👥 Collaboration: Collaborate with others, share projects, and work collectively on APIs and workflows.

📂 Version Control: Track changes and easily revert to previous versions when needed for efficient project management.

🔒 Security: Enjoy a secure development and deployment environment with data encryption at rest and in transit.

App page of Fastgen


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