Trinka is an AI-powered English grammar checker and language enhancement writing assistant designed for academic and technical writing. It corrects contextual spelling mistakes and advanced grammar errors by providing writing suggestions in real-time. It helps professionals and academics ensure formal, concise, and engaging writing.

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📚 Advanced Grammar Checking: Trinka employs AI to detect and correct 3000+ grammar errors, including advanced ones often overlooked by other checkers.

🔤 Contextual Spelling Correction: It rectifies contextual spelling errors, considering the sentence's context, not just individual words.

✍️ Real-time Writing Suggestions: Trinka offers real-time suggestions to enhance grammar, style, and clarity as users write.

📢 Tone and Style Feedback: Users receive feedback on their writing's tone and style, ensuring it suits the intended audience and purpose.

🔗 Integration with Popular Tools: Trinka seamlessly integrates with widely-used tools like Microsoft Word and Google Docs for convenient writing checks and improvements.

App page of Trinka


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